Thursday, 27 October 2011

Materials, costings and bookmarking

I have recently been researching into the cost of materials from various online and in store suppliers. I have compiled lists of tools and materials for book binding from recent book purchases, the costs of recycled paper and card and printing costs.

Paper samples -
I have sent off a SAE to Eco Craft to get some free samples of recycled paper and card. Once received I can show these samples to the client and decisions can be made on colour and quantity of these materials to make the final product.

Business cards and postcards -
I have found numerous printing companies that except personal designs that can be uploaded online for printing. All of these companies use recycled materials and ethical printing techniques. I am unsure which of these companies I will use but this will be discussed with the client at the next meeting. 

Costings spreadsheet -
I have created a costings spreadsheet from research I have done into various suppliers. This spreadsheet will help me make decisions on where to sources my materials and help to cut down on overall costs. 

Bookmarking -
I have started to compile all my online research on
I have created several sections of relevant research including product photography, costings, suppliers, lighting ideas, printing, craft designers, recycling and sustainable living. Saving all my online research in this way will save a lot of time when printing documents for my workbook. Also, I can go back and refer to things I would have otherwise forgotten about.

Next steps -
Await paper and card sample to arrive from Eco Craft.

I will need to purchase the book binding tools I have listed in order to start making prototype books to show to the client. I may use cheaper materials to make the prototype designs in order to save on cost and ensure that I do not waste expensive materials.

Research more into product photography and lighting ideas. I will need to begin photographing the client's products and designs in a few weeks time to ensure I am keeping to my set time scales. 

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