Below is the first draft of my Statement of Intent for this brief.
Professional Practice
BA (Hons) Interactive Media
Alison Hoyles
Client – Crafty Ginge Designs (Kelly Joseph)
Crafty Ginge Designs was founded by Kelly Joseph in 2010 after a desire to run her own business making and selling handmade cards, cushions, clothing, jewellery and anything else she can think of while also aiming to be as environmentally friendly as possible.
The reasons for choosing Crafty Ginge Designs as a client are that my work as a photographer has primarily focused on the use, meaning and value of objects and products. The work produced by the client is individual, handmade and personal. Handmade goods often have a higher value because of the time and skill that goes into making them.
The client currently wishes to branch out and promote her business, her designs and products, while also retaining her ethical and sustainable approach to fashion and the design process. To do this, the client requires promotional materials and professional photographs of her products which she has so far been unable to move forward with due to lack of resources.
The primary aim of the brief is to produce professional photographs to be used in the creation of promotional materials. The main piece of promotional material will be an individual, handmade made, ethically printed book for the client to use to promote the client’s products at craft fairs, markets, workshops and annual events. Both the client and I will have an input into the handmade element of this piece.
Other secondary aims of the brief will include producing images that can also be used to promote and advertise products online via social media, online stores and a business website. Other promotional materials can include business cards, postcards and leaflets as the client’s request.
As a photographer, I can provide this service to the client, not only in producing professional photographs but also in a creative capacity. Activities that are to be undertaken include professional products shots in a studio based environment. Professional photographs of products in situ, i.e. in the home environment.
There are limitations and guidelines that have been requested by the client that I must follow in order to fulfil the brief. These include, requests that any paper materials used be recycled or from a sustainable source, all printing be ethical and the final products have sort handmade element within them.
There is a time limit to this brief and a deadline of 2nd January 2012. The handmade element of the products will be time consuming so careful planning must be established in order to meet the deadline.
Resources needed for the brief may include booking a studio space for professional product photographs, camera equipment and lighting equipment, software including Photoshop and In Design, locations for photography shoots, ethical printers and sources of recycled paper in Manchester or online.
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