Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Critical Incident

Due to my financial situation and the fact that Student Finance were delaying my loan I had to find a part time job. I found a job locally but it required 4 weeks of training over 5 days per week. I needed to take the job to support myself while Student Finance processed my application. This meant I was attending college classes 4 days a week as well as working 4 evenings a week and all day Saturday. Some days were 14 hours long.

The amount of time I had to spend at work directly impacted on my college work. I was unable to complete tasks that I would have normally been able to and I could not dedicate sufficient time to researching and reading. I also had to leave classes early on Tuesdays, Wednesday and Thursdays to get to work on time. 

I explained the situation to my tutors to ensure that they didn't think I was purposely falling behind with the project. 

Although my hours at work have been reduced to three shifts per week the impact of taking the job is still affecting me in terms of having to catch up with research and reading that could have been done in previous weeks. 

I feel that I have always managed my time well but this incident has taken time management to a whole new level. I planned the few hours I had spare each week during the training period to get important tasks completed. Although I didn't feel as though I was getting very much done these few hours spent concentrating on the project were very beneficial. 

I have learnt that even a few hours of concentration on a particular task can produce good results. I will learn from this experience and use my time wisely for the duration of the project.

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