It is important for me to narrow down the areas of research that I will be printing off to present in the research file. I have been saving many website bookmarks and links online using and marking useful materials in books etc. I now need to compile this research clearly. The areas of research I have been looking into are...
The Client
- Client background
- Client ethos
- Range of designs and products
- Current method promotional methods
- Online craft store the client wishes to join
Product Photography
- Styles and techniques
- Studio based product photography
- Commercial photography
- Lighting
Sustainable Living
- What is sustainable living?
- What organisations and groups promote this?
- How is the client involved with this?
- What can we recycle?
- How and what does the client recycle?
- What recycled products can I use in this project?
- Ethical printing techniques
- Costs
- Suppliers
Book Binding
- How are books made?
- Tools and materials
- Different methods, styles and techniques
Suppliers and Sourcing Materials
- Recycled paper and card suppliers
- Book binding suppliers
- Other materials and tools
- Pros and cons of each supplier
- Costs
All of these areas of research will aid my understanding of what the client wants out of this project and help me meet her needs. It will also help me in the development part of the project. All these areas of research are needed to ensure the development of the book and other promotional materials are executed effectively.
In the next blog posts I will post the details of each area I have been looking at.
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