I have been unable to update this blog for a long time due to the practical elements of this project being extremely time consuming. I have found that I have been reflecting on my research and development throughout the process by creating word documents for each stage I have been through.
In previous posts I have been repeating what has already been evidenced in my research folder. The evaluation of this project requires me to use this blog as a structure to reflect on the various stages I have been through in order to produce a professional product. But my research folder will provide me with much more detail and relevant information to structure a reflective evaluation.
I feel that writing a blog has been the weakest part of this project and has not really aided me. I am disappointed that I was unable to fully document and reflect on the processes and development of this project in this blog. But I feel that the research and development documented in the folder will clearly show the stages in which I have been through to produce a professional product.